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– Weihnachtskollektion – Geschenkbox Mit Verschiedenen Pralinen, 215G – Geschenkidee – Glutenfrei

- Weihnachtskollektion - Geschenkbox Mit Verschiedenen Pralinen, 215g - Geschenkidee - Glutenfrei

$33.00 – $200.00
Tauche ein in unser weiihnachtsdorf und sidekeke die neuitieri weihnachtskollektion von anna Higgie. Milch-, zartbitter-, extrabit- pralinen und milchcremefüllungen. Enthalten in einer eleganten geschenkbox mit weiihnachtlichen motiven Hergestellt in Italian...
Milka Schmunzelhase Daim 24 X 45G I Osterschokolade Großpackung I Mit Mandel-Karamell-Stückchen I Osterhasen Schokolade Aus 100% Alpenmilch
24 x 45 grameSet 15 X 5 (5 X 15G)30 X 3 X 15 grame

Milka Schmunzelhase Daim 24 x 45g I osterschokolade Großpackung I Mit Medel-Karamell-Stückchen I Osterhasen Schokolade Aus 100% Alpenmilch

$71.00 – $200.00
Milka Osterschokolade - Milka Schoko Hohlfiguren in Der Großpackung Eignen Sich Hervorragend Zum Teilen, Für Das Osternest Oder Zum Verstecken An Ostern 100% Alpenmilch - Milka Schokolade Werd Aus Sorgfältig...
Reber Glückskäfer-Beutel – 15Er Beutel – Schoko-Glückskäfer Aus Alpenmilch-Schokolade
15 pieces30 grams15 grams

Reber Lucky Beetle Bag - 15 cockroaches bag

$4.00 – $200.00
Chocolate cockroaches offer moments of nostalgic, dreamy pleasure with their refined aroma based on well -kept family recipes For pretentious chocolate lovers: fine alpine chocolate with high cocoa content, is...
- Nougatine Pralinen in Metalldose, 200 G - Geschenkidee - Glutenfrei - Vegan

Venchi, Nougatine Praline in metal box, 200 grams

$34.00 – $37.00
Venchi tradition in a chocolate! Contains iconic iconic nougatin, crispy and with Caramelized Piedmont Piemont Wrapped in an elegant green metal box with red decorations Produced in Italy according to...
Just Spices Do It Yourself Schokoladen Kit I Mache Eigene Schoko-Tafeln I Mit Formen, Gewürzen, Schachteln & Rezepten

Just spices do it yourself chocolate kit and make your own chocolate bars and with shapes, spices, boxes and recipes

$52.00 – $200.00
Willy Wonka had his day: Prepare the most delicious chocolate With 10 spices, 2 silicone shapes, 3 gift boxes Includes step -by -step instructions and a lot of recipes Perfect...
Dolfin Ausgewählte Schokoladen, Panache - 24 Quadrate - 12 Köstliche Geschmacksrichtungen - Gourmet,Schokolade, Süßigkeiten - Geschenke Für Geburtstag, Jahrestag, Valentinstag, Weihnachten

Dolfin Selected Chocolates, Panache - 24 squares - 12 delicious flavors

$14.00 – $200.00
Luxurious collection - make every special moment with this selection of paradisiacal chocolate. It contains 24 delicious Belgian sticks that will delight your taste buds. Different flavors - each package...
Lindt Schokolade LINDOR Kugeln Mischung | 399G | Ca. 30 Schokoladen Kugeln Vollmilch-, Weiße Und Dunkle Schokolade Mit Zartschmelzender Füllung | Pralinengeschenk | Schokoladengeschenk
399 grams1 kg2 x 400 grams3 x 1 kg400 grams

Lindt Chocolate Lindor Balls Mixture, 399 grams

$18.00 – $200.00
Experiment moments of unmatched pamper Lindor mixture in a 400 g XL bag - that is, about 8 teaspoons of white, 8 teaspoons, 8 teaspoons 60% and 8 teaspoons of...
Ragusa Blond Geschenkpackung 400G Weiße Schokolade Mit Charaktervollem, Karamellartigem Geschmack Und Ganzen Haselnüssen Original Schweizer Schokolade (1 X 400G)
1 boxSet 6 boxes

Ragusa Blond Gift Box 400 grams, white chocolate with characteristic caramel and whole peanuts

$18.00 – $200.00
The famous rectangular tablet with a delicate filling of pralines and whole peanuts, this inimitable aroma and its incorrect character. A chocolate, three varieties discovered Ragusa, the Swiss specialty of...
Peters Mit Genuss Verführt | Alles Liebe | Mit Alkohol | Pralinen-Mischung | Köstliche Pralinés | Schokolade | Geschenk | Dankeschön | Geschenkidee | Made in Germany | 200G
200 grams175 grams100 grams400 grams

Peters, gift box, praline mixture with or without alcohol

$12.00 – $200.00
💜 Tradition: Since 1936, the Peters family business represents the quality, the art of confectionery and the highest level of customer appreciation. Peters products are made of the best ingredients,...
Lindt Schokolade LINDOR Sharing | 250 G | Kugeln Mit Zartschmelzender Füllung in Den Sorten Milch, Feinherb 45 %, Weiß, Salted Caramel Und Haselnuss | Schokoladen- | Pralinen-Geschenk

Lindt Chocolate Lindor Sharing, chocolate spheres with filling, 250 grams

$19.00 – $200.00
Experiment moments of unmatched pampering with lindor in the elegant pillow pack Lindt Lindor Sharing - approx. 250 g balls lindor with milk, with fine aroma and white to be...
Lindt Schokolade LINDOR Kugeln Mischung | 323 G in Kissenpackung | Ca. 25 LINDOR Kugeln (Vollmilch, Feinherb, Weiß) | Pralinen-Geschenk Oder Schokoladengeschenk
322 grams100 grams20 x 50 grams325 grams150 grams149 grams

Mix of lindt lindt balls, various assortments

$12.00 – $200.00
Experiment moments of unmatched pampering with lindor in the elegant pillow pack Lindt Lindor mixture in the 323 g pillow pack - that is, about 26 lindor balls in 4...
Lindt Schokolade LINDOR Mischung | 1371 G | Ca. 109 Kugeln: Milch, 70 %, Milk&White, Stracciatella, Weiß, Nuss, Matcha, Feinherb, Salted Caramel, Pistazie | Schokoladengeschenk

Lindt Chocolate Lindor Mixture, 1371 grams

$70.00 – $200.00
Mix of balls lindor with Lindor Matcha and the classics lindor: full milk, white, peanuts, stracciatella, caramel, tart, milk & white, salted caramel, 1,371 kg Melt of happiness - with...
Lindt Schokolade Spezialitäten Mix Eier | 3 X 90 G | Vollmilch-Eier in Fünf Sorten Mit Und Ohne Alkohol (Marc De Champagne, Nougat, Cresta, Mousse Au Chocolat, Lindor Milch) | Oster Schokolade

Lindt chocolate specialties mix eggs, five flavors with and without alcohol

$7.00 – $200.00
Selection of the best chocolate eggs with and without alcohol filling Provide or enjoy Easter chocolate with alcohol as a gift For the adult's Easter nest - very intense savory...
Niederegger Pralinen-Tafel Erdbeer-Rhabarber 100 G
100 grams4 x 100 grams

Niederegger chocolate strawberry stick - rhubarb 100 grams

$5.00 – $19.00
Creamy, fruity filling with strawberry pralines and raspberries In milk chocolate melting in the mouth A refined gift for connoisseurs Number of items: 1 Flavor for non -alcoholic beverages: strawberries...