Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Setul contine 7 decoratiuni comestibile din zahar cu dimensiuni cuprinse intre 4 cm si 9 cmGreutate: 124 g Ingredientezahăr, melasă, albuș de ou, grăsime vegetală (uleiuri de palmier și floarea...
Setul contine 7 decoratiuni comestibile din zahar cu dimensiunea de 4 cm Ingredientezahăr, melasă, albuș de ou, grăsime vegetală (uleiuri de palmier și floarea soarelui parțial hidrogenate, emulgator (E471), antioxidant...
Setul contine 3 decoratiuni comestibile din zahar cu dimensiuni cuprinse intre 5.5 cm si 7.5 cm. Greutate: 22 g Valoare nutritiva la 100g produs: carbohidrati 81g, grasimi 2g, proteine 2g....
Se vinde la set de 100 de bucati (set de periuta de dinti si pasta de dinti) Periuta si pasta de dinti cu miros proaspat de aloe vera, asigura igiena...
Dimensiune: 2.5 cm Greutate: 35 g Ingredientezahăr, melasă, albuș de ou, grăsime vegetală (uleiuri de palmier și floarea soarelui parțial hidrogenate, emulgator (E471), antioxidant (E320, E321), glucoză, agenți de îngroșare:...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
5 grame per container. Include: Super Gold, Rose Gold, argintiu, roz, negru, violet. Îndepliniți diferitele dvs. nevoi zilnice de coacere. Acest glitter comestibil poate fi folosit și pentru a decora...
Set of 4 edible sugar decorations with size 2.5 cm and 8 cm Weight: 160 g Nutritional value at 100g product: carbohydrates 82g, 2G fats, 2G proteins. Energy value at...
The set contains 7 edible decorations from the napolitan valley with the size of the 2.5 cm flower. Weight: 3 g Vafa ingredients:-Potatomidon-ele sunflower-maltodextrin Store in a cool and dry...