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Xilitol premium cu putere de îndulcire 1:1 în comparație cu zahărul, 1kg

Xilitol Premium with 1: 1 sweetening power compared to sugar, 1kg

The difference between xylitol and erythritol: xylitol offers 1: 1 sweetening power compared to conventional sugar, while erythritol offers only 70% sweetening power. This means that more erythritol should be...
Sukrin Erythritol, alternativa naturală la zahăr fără calorii, 1 pachet, 500 grame

Sukrin Erythritol, natural alternative to calorie -free sugar, 1 pack, 500 grams

Sukrin is a natural alternative to sugar without calories and is therefore ideal for diabetics and anyone who follows a diet that takes into account carbohydrates. Sukrin has approximately 75%...
SUKRIN Gold, Alternativă naturală la zahăr din trestie și zahăr brun din eritritol, 250 grame

Sukrin Gold, natural alternative to cane sugar and brown sugar from Eritritol, 250 grams

Natural alternative to gross cane sugar. Less than 1 kcal per teaspoon Sukrin Gold is the golden, delicious sukrin, which convinces by a lot of aroma and few calories (only...
Eritritol natural - Zahăr de glazură | 10G = 7G zahăr, 850 grame

Natural erythritol - icing sugar | 10g = 7g sugar, 850 grams

Discover the Castello powder erythritol in 1907, a 100% natural sweetener. This healthy and calorie sweetener is perfect for those who want to reduce their sugar intake without compromising the...
Eritritol + Stevia Înlocuitor natural de zahăr fără calorii 1:1, 1 Kg

Eritritol + Stevia Natural sugar substitute without calorie 1: 1, 1 kg

ingredients Sweetener erythritol (99.9%) and steviol glycoside (0.1%) Instructions for use Sugar replacement warnings None
Hellma Canderel Green Stevia Sticks, 250 pliculete stevia, 1,1 grame pliculetul

Hellma Landerel Green Stevia Sticks, 250 Stevia envelopes, 1.1 grams of envelope

Hellma green stevia sticks are a natural alternative to sugar. A stevia stick is equivalent to a teaspoon of sugar. Whether for coffee or with a delicious piece of cake...
Zahăr autentic de mesteacăn (Xylitol) din Finlanda, 1 Kg

Authentic birch sugar (xylitol) in Finland, 1 kg

Authentic birch sugar in Finland (Xilitol) 1 kilo the Better Sweet Authentic birch sugar is a low calorie sweetener, very similar to taste sugar and consistency. Authentic birch sugar sweetens...
Zahăr din nucă de cocos-100% organic, nerafinat, 1 Kg
1 kg2 x 1 kg

Coconut-100% organic, unrefined coconut sugar, 1 kg

$15.00 – $30.00
Dragon SuperFoods coconut sugar is a delicious natural sweetener obtained from dehydrated coconut flowers. The taste has a subtle caramel note that integrates well into any dessert recipe or in...
Zahăr de mesteacăn original din Finlanda, 1 Kg

Original birch sugar from Finland, 1 kg

$18.00 – $36.00
Original birch sugar from Finland made of hardwood without corn! 40% less calories than sugar Suitable for diabetics Friendly with teeth   Product description Helps maintain the mineralization of teeth...
Nature Diet Xylitol, 1 Kg

Nature Diet Xylitol, 1 kg

$17.00 – $25.00
Discover a natural herbal sweetener - the perfect alternative to sugar. Enjoy a sweet flavored without calories or artificial additives. Poor calories, as sweet as normal sugar. Discover our natural...
Xucker Zahăr pudră Erythritol - Înlocuitor de zahăr fără calorii, 600 grame

Xucker Sugar powder erythritol - calorie -free sugar replacement, 600 grams

$13.00 – $31.00
Sugar substitute: sugar -free snacks with reconciled consciousness. Glased sugar is ground erythritol and a good alternative to conventional sugar. For a low calorie diet: powdered sugar obtained from erythritol,...
Palmzucker, Scheiben (1 X 200 G)

Palmzucker, Scheben (1 x 200 g)

for sweetening the dishes   Product description 200 g Palm Sugar Sulfurized Duong Thot Not Ingredients / ingredients Ingredients: palm sugar, preservative: Sodium metabisulfit (E223))