Mother and child care

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Pampers Baby scutece mărimea 5 (11-16kg) Harmony, Protecție delicată a pielii și ingrediente pe bază de plante, 152 buc.

Pampers Baby Scace size 5 (11-16kg) Harmony, delicate skin protection and herbal ingredients, 152 pcs.

Delicate skin protection Up to 12 hours of dryness 0 percent perfume and lotion Hypoallergenic (designed to minimize the risk of allergies) and dermatologically tested Sustainable -produced cellulose (FSC certified)...
Pampers Scutece pentru copii mărimea 4 (9-14 kg) Harmony, 174 buc

Pampers diapers for children size 4 (9-14 kg) Harmony, 174 pcs

Delicate skin protection Up to 12 hours of dryness 0 percent perfume and lotion Hypoallergenic (designed to minimize the risk of allergies) and dermatologically tested Sustainable -produced cellulose (FSC certified)...
Formulă pentru sugari Bebivita Pre, pachet de 5 X 500 grame

Formula for baby baby infants, 5 x 500 grams package

For babies from the first day of life, as a supplement to breastfeeding or as a unique food at birth Provides everything your baby needs for optimum growth Contains only...
Humana , formula lapte praf, de la 1 an sau 2 ani, 650 grame

Humana, Formula Milk powdered, from 1 year or 2 years, 650 grams

$15.00 – $19.00
For small heroes: Children's drink 1+ is intended for young children over 1 year and is ideal as an occasional drink or can be served at the baby's table, such...
Hipp 7-Korn, pachet de 6 (6 X 190 G)

Hipp 7-Korn, pack of 6 (6 x 190 g)

$15.00 – $217.00
No added sugar - ingredients contain sugar naturally With calcium, vitamins A, D and B1 Without flavors and preservatives Please mix if liquid is released Product description Hippo good night,...
Huggies Drynites Nachtwindeln Bei Bettnässen, Für Jungen Ab 13 Bis Ca. 17 Jahre (48-60 KG), 33 Stück (3X11), Jumbo-Monatspack, Windel-Pants XL

Huggies Drynites night diapers, for boys from 13 to about 17 years (48-60 kg), 33 pieces (3x11), monthly Jumbo pack

For dry and restful nights: disposable pajamas pants to help dry and protect yourself in periods of enuresis; Suitable for boys between the ages of 13 and 17 (48-60 kg)...
Hipp Fruit Yoghurt Muesli, pachet de 6 (6 X 160 G) - Organic

Hipp fruit yoghurt muesli, pack of 6 (6 x 160 g) - organic

No added sugar - ingredients contain sugar naturally With vitamin B1 - important for carbohydrate and energy metabolism and nervous system Without flavors Without preservatives As breakfast or snack Product...
Scutece Hipp Babysanft Junior 5 Carry, pachet de 3 (3 X 29 bucăți)

Hipp babysanft junior 5 carry diapers, 3 (3 x 29 pieces) pack

Now with triple protection against leaks, day and night, for even more safety. The optimized absorbent core reliably captures the liquid and keeps it away from the baby's skin for...
Huggies Babywindeln Extra Care Mit Disney-Design Größe 4, 120 Windeln (2X60), Monatsbox

Huggies diapers for babies, with Disney design, various sizes, monthly box

$63.00 – $73.00
Skin care 1: 4 in 1: Baby diapers are soft, absorbent, breathable and hypoallergenic to protect sensitive skin of babies. Dermatologic tested: diapers have been tested by dermatologists and are...
LILLYDOO Scutece prietenoase cu pielea, mărimea 2 (4-8 kg)
2 (100 pcs)1 (112 pcs)5 (76 pcs)5 (152 pcs)3 (88 pcs)6 (136 pcs)4 (80 pcs)3 (176 pcs)4 (160 pcs)6 (68 pcs)

Lillydooo leather-friendly diapers, size 2 (4-8 kg)

$45.00 – $81.00
Leather -friendly diapers - elegant, very comfortable and with an ideal match The first diapers in the world that are certified made in Green by Oeko-Tex. Turbo-tunnel technology ensures rapid...
Hipp Babysanft scutece Newborn 1 cutie de depozitare (4 x 24 bucăți)

Hipp babysanft diaper Newborn 1 storage box (4 x 24 pieces)

Now with triple protection against day and night leaks for even more safety. The optimized absorbent core reliably captures the liquid and keeps it away from the baby's skin for...
Hipp For Little Gourmets, Nectarine în mere și mango, fără zahăr adăugat, 6 X 190 grame

Hipp for Little Gourmets, nectarins in apples and mango, without added sugar, 6 x 190 grams

$10.00 – $217.00
From 6 months Ideal for small gourmets Fruit varieties had enough time to bake and develop their entire naturally -added fruit flavor - no sugar The jar contains 100% organic...
Pampers - Harmony Hybrid Starter Pack, 3 scutece lavabile + 25 șervețele de unică folosință - 1 pachet

Pampers - Harmony Hybrid Starter Pack, 3 washable diapers + 25 disposable napkins - 1 pack

Full system of leakage protection Due to their adjustable size, these Harmony Hybrid diapers can be used for all babies from 3 to 16 kg Upper layers made of vegetable...
Hipp Desert organic mere-căpșuni-coacăze pe semolă, 6 X 200 grame

Hipp Organic Desert Apple-Caps-Coaches on the Semus, 6 x 200 grams

$13.00 – $217.00
Popular dessert with two layers with different flavors and textures Ideal as snack between meals Our fruits had enough time to bake and develop their full fruit aroma - without...
Muesli Hipp cu căpșuni și iaurt de mere, pachet de 6 X 160 grame

Muesli Hipp with strawberries and apple yogurt, 6 x 160 grams package

No added sugar - ingredients contain sugar naturally With vitamin B1 - important for carbohydrate and energy metabolism and nervous system Without flavors Without preservatives Ecological quality Product description Hipp...
Tocăniță de legume Hipp, pachet de 6 (6 X 250 grame)

Hippo vegetable tocare, 6 (6 x 250 grams) package

Healthy food. Heat the jar open or part of it in the bain-marie or in the microwave, mix and check the temperature. Keep the rest unheatedly sealed in the refrigerator...