Products and accessories for baby food and breastfeeding

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Novartis TROFOLASTIN Elastizität Nippel Care

Novartis Trofolastin Elasticity Nipple who

$26.00 – $63.00
Nourishes the nipple skin and keeps it in good condition to avoid cracking Suitable for skin firmness and cutting tone cutáneo Applies 2 times a day in the nipple area...
Huggies Drynites Nachtwindeln Bei Bettnässen, Für Jungen Ab 13 Bis Ca. 17 Jahre (48-60 KG), 27 Stück (3X9), Monatspack, Windel-Pants

Huggies Drynites nachtwindeln bet Bettnässen, für Jungen AB 13 bis Ca. 17 Jahre (48-60 kg), 27 Stück (3x9), Monatspack, Windel-Pants

Für Trokene und erholsame nächte: Einweg pyjama pants zur unterstützung beim trockeenwerden sowie zum in Phasen des bettnässens; Geeignet Für Jungen AB 13 bis Ca. 17 Jahre (48-60 kg) Klinisch...
Medela Kompletter Anschluss Für Milchpumpen Freestyle Y Swing Maxi, 1 Stück, 400 G

Medela Full Connection for San Freestyle Y Swing Maxi, 1 piece, 400 g

Connection for double breasts of Medela Swing Maxi and Freestyle: Ideal for daily breast extraction Other spare parts for Medela extractors such as Swing Maxi and Freestyle hose, engine, adapter...
Julius Zöllner 4670040527 Stillkissen Mit Perlenfüllung, Uni Baumwolle,Ca. 190 Cm, Uni Silber

Julius Zöllner 4670040527 breastfeeding cushion with pearl filling, cotton, approx. 190 cm, silver

Quality brand from Julius Zöllner Manufactured in Germany Tested for harmful substances and certified according to Oeko-Tex Standard 100 for confidence in textiles / S07-0691 adapt ideally to your body...
Rotho Babydesign Stillkissen Multi (190 X 35 Cm) - Hypoallergen - Geräuschlos - Seitenschläferkissen - Maschinenwaschbar - Motiv Ginkgo

Multi Babydesign Roto Pillow (190 x 35 cm) - hypoallergenic - silent - Lateral sleeping pillow - washable to the car

$85.00 – $218.00
Helps relax, facilitate my mother's sleep and rest. Helps to breastfeed, sleep and ease the baby's first stay The filling of fine microbes, which makes practically silent pillows and has...
LIONELO Fidi Free Simple Elektrische Muttermilchpumpe 180 Ml, Tragbare 2-Phasen-Milchpumpe, Freihändig, Energiesparende Massage 9 Stufen, 3 Größen Von Silikontrichtern Timer

Simple electric pump for breast milk Lionelo Fidi Free 180 ml, 2 -phase portable pump, energy economy 9 levels, 3 dimensions of silicone timer funnels

Located hands: Portable electric breast pump works without contact. The breast pump is discreetly placed in the bra, so you can do other activities while pumping. The breast milk pump...
Lansinoh Saugaufsätze Milchpumpen - Größe S (21 Mm), 2 Stück

San Lansinoh pumps with aspiration accessories - size S (21 mm), 2 pieces

Comfortfit suction attachment suitable for: Lansinoh manual pump, compact electric pump and 2 -in -1 electric pump Non -slip suction devices are easy and comfortable on the breast Soft, purple,...
Medela 200.1626 Brusthütchen, Silikon , Mehrfarbig

Medela protection for nipple, silicone, multicolored

Unique form allows a full skin contact on the skin between mother and baby Allow successful breastfeeding, despite blocking difficulties Painful nipples or flat or reversed nipples Product Description With...
NUK Stillhütchen | Brusthütchen Zum Stillen | Schützt Vor Wunden Brustwarzen | Dünnes Silikon | Größe S (16Mm) | 2 Stück

NUK shields for nipples | Protection for nipples for breastfeeding | Protects against nipple pain Thin silicone | Size S (16mm) | 2 pieces

To protect sensitive nipples during breastfeeding With different surface structures and four drinking openings - for a natural drinking experience 92% of mothers confirm that the baby's nose has enough...
Medela Schlauch Für Swing Maxi Und Freestyle Flex Milchpumpe

Medela hose for San Swing Maxi and Freestyle Flex pump

Suitable for San Swing Maxi / Freestyle Flex pump with Tetine and Personal Flex connection Please refer to the Swing Maxi/Freestyle Flex breast pump instruction manual for all cleaning and...
MAM Handmilchpumpe – Komfortable Und Kompakte Milchpumpe, Einzigartig Upgradebar – Handpumpe Für Muttermilch Inkl. 1 X MAM Easy Start Anti-Colic Flasche

MAM -breast -breast pump - comfortable and compact breast pump for breast milk that includes 1 MAM EASY START Anti -Colic Baby

$52.00 – $449.00
Flexible and comfortable - the manual pump for breasts makes the extraction of breast milk mild and efficient. Was developed with midwives, breastfeeding consultants and mothers Unique upgrade - with...
Stilleinlagen, 60 Stück

Breastfeeding pads, 60 pcs

Breastfeeding pads provide additional comfort for breastfeeding mothers. Ultra-tanning and breathable, they feel soft on the skin. Hygienic and practical, individually packaged. Packaging dimensions: 8.4 x 27.6 x 17.8 cm...
Julius Zöllner Stillkissen, Schwangerschaftskissen, Lagerungskissen, Besonders Angenehme Und Anschmiegsame Flockenfüllung,Baumwolle , Ca. 180 Cm, Mountain Bear

Julius Zöllner breastfeeding pillow, filling with very comfortable and sweet flakes, cotton, about 180 cm

$66.00 – $71.00
Ideal for Dormut and Breastfeeding - Versatile pillow for breastfeeding is perfect for breastfeeding, sleeping or relaxing Pleasant filling with flakes - the particularly cute filling made of soft fiber...
LIONELO Fidi plus Kabellose Elektrische Dreiphasige Muttermilchpumpe 180 Ml, Energiesparende Tragbare Milchpumpe, 9 Massagestufen, 150 Min Betriebszeit 3 Silikontrichter Timer

Lionelo Electric Pump for breast milk Lionelo Fidi Plus 180 ml, Portable Energy Economy Pump, 9 Massage Levels, Operating Time 150 Min

Mater Mater Mater Pump Plus: The model offers three -phase operation with 9 massage modes, mixed massage and can pump the electric breast. The electric breast pump retains the last...
Medela Freihändige Brustschilder, 2X Brustschild, Bpa-Frei, Medela Hands-Free Pumpzubehör, Freihändige Auffangbecher Zubehör

Protections for Medela breasts, without BPA

Includes 2 x Medela Hands-Free chest protectors without BPA | Membranes are not included in this article Medela has 3 different shield dimensions for use with free breast pump cups,...
Medela 200.1631 Brusthütchen, Mehrfarbig

Medela 200.1631 Nipple Shield, multicolored

Available in three dimensions: 16mm, 20mm and 24mm Unique form allows a full skin contact on the skin between mother and baby Allow successful breastfeeding despite the difficulties of catching,...