Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Praf de glitter comestibil la modă - Praful de glitter alimentar 100% comestibil a fost special formulat pentru industria decorațiunilor alimentare și a artizanatului, pentru a adăuga un finisaj metalic...
Special fabricată pentru decorațiunile alimentare și industriile meșteșugărești pentru a da un finisaj metalic sau a adăuga un efect aurit. Această pudră de praf cu textură fină creează un rezultat...
Praf de glitter comestibil la modă - praful de glitter alimentar 100% comestibil a fost special formulat pentru industria decorațiunilor alimentare și a artizanatului, pentru a adăuga un finisaj metalic...
The set contains 7 edible decorations from the napolitan valley with the size of the 2.5 cm flower. Weight: 3 g Vafa ingredients:-Potatomidon-ele sunflower-maltodextrin Store in a cool and dry...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Stelele aurii DECOCINO sunt decorarea perfectă cu stele! Folosiți-le ca decorațiuni sprinkle pentru prăjituri, cupcakes & torturi pentru zile de naștere, nunți, botezuri și multe altele. Decorațiunile DECOCINO Gold Stars...
Setul contine 6 decoratiuni comestibile din zahar cu dimensiuni cuprinse intre 3 cm si 14 cmGreutate: 122 g Valoare nutritiva la 100g produs: carbohidrati 81g, grasimi 2g, proteine 2g. Valoare...
Nitril medical gloves without high quality powder, in noble black. Nitrylex® Black are classic powdered nitril gloves, which is a barrier for bacteria, fungi and viruses. Nitrylex® Black - a...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Cu fulgii noștri de zăpadă albi, aveți baza perfectă pentru biscuiții dvs. festivi de Crăciun, fie biscuiți sau stollen-ul dvs. de Crăciun decorat individual. Notă: Unii dintre fulgii noștri conțin...
Decorațiuni comestibile aurii pentru torturi presărate cu sprinkles: Mixul nostru de bile de Crăciun "Goldflimmer" combină bilele de ciocolată aurii elegante, mici și mari, cu o mulțime de fulgi de...
The set contains 3 edible sugar decorations with a size of 6.5 ingredientssugar, molasses, egg whites, vegetable fat (palm oils and partially hydrogenated sunflower, emulsifier (E471), antioxidant (E320, E321), glucose,...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...