Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Conținutul de sprinkle: 40g - sprinkle super gustoase pentru rafinarea prăjiturilor, tarte, biscuiți, biscuiți, prăjituri de nuntă, cake pops, cupcakes, brioșe, înghețată ... Nu există limite pentru imaginația ta Decorațiunile...
Pentru tonuri de maro mai profunde și mai bogate Prin efectul său colorant, balsamul Midnight Brunette intensifică nuanțele închise și conferă părului tonuri de maro mai profunde și mai bogate....
Ce ar fi porridge-urile sau smoothie bowls-urile noastre dimineața fără un topping grozav? Numai topping-urile cu texturi diferite, crocante și o călătorie printr-o mare varietate de arome fac din micul...
Dimensiune: 7.5 cm Ingredientezahăr, melasă, albuș de ou, grăsime vegetală (uleiuri de palmier și floarea soarelui parțial hidrogenate, emulgator (E471), antioxidant (E320, E321), glucoză, agenți de îngroșare: gumă de guar,...
Setul contine 4 decorațiuni comestibile din zahar cu dimensiuni cuprinse intre 4 cm si 8 cm. Greutate: 96 g Valoare nutritiva la 100g produs: carbohidrati 81g, grasimi 2g, proteine 2g....
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Setul contine 3 decoratiuni comestibile din zahar cu dimensiunile: 4.5 cm, 5.5 cm si 7 cm. Greutate: 20 g Ingredientezahăr, melasă, albuș de ou, grăsime vegetală (uleiuri de palmier și...
Domestos 24h plus It is a liquid bleaching disinfectant with high viscosity. It destroys even the most resistant microbes, including bacteria, fungi, spores and viruses. Continue to adhere to the surface...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
The set contains 3 bows with a size of 6 cm ingredientsSugar, gelatin, water, glycerol, CMC, food dyes.Storage conditionsStore at room temperature, protected from the sun. Allergens: it can contain...
The set contains 10 black casseroles + 10 transparent caps Casel Dimensions: 227x178x40 Perfect product for catering, fast food or street food. Caserola matches a transparent lid, with which the...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...
Please select the environment on which it is listed: Vafa or Sugar sheet (icing). Below you will find the descriptions for each one:Listing on the VafaDimensions Vafa on which it...